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NEW ZEALAND-AUSTRALIA TRAVEL SPECIALIST SPEAKS BY ALECE SCHREIBER Have you ever approached your local travel agent with a request for information on an out of the ordinary destination? Have you seen his or her eyes glaze over? You may be in need of...

Travel Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat, Sihanoukville
Cambodia is a land on the mend. From 1977 through 1980, the Khmer Rouge ruled the country, fanatics bent on genocide. Millions were killed and the period was put to film in the movie, "The Killing Fields." Fortunately, those days are over and the...

Travel Health: Useful medical information for good health before your departure, during your trip and after your return.
The diseases most commonly seen in travellers are diarrhoea, malaria (if you travel in a malaria-infested area), accidents (when travelling by car or swimming), wound infections and sexually transmitted diseases. - Diarrhoea is caused by...

Travel Money Belts - Travel Security
Travel money belts are still a good way to carry cash. They're common, and thieves know of them, but it isn't easy to tell if your belt has a hidden compartment, and it isn't easy for a robber to get at it quickly. It is a good way to carry SOME of...

Using London Public Transport - Underground, Buses & Travel Passes
This article is aimed at the independent traveller contemplating a visit to London and eager to use London's excellent public transport system as their main mode of transportation. A simple guide to using the buses and trains and perhaps...

Traveling Light - Important Packing Considerations

When you're planning a trip, you've got a lot to think about in terms of packing. It can make all the difference in whether your vacation or trip is a blast or a bore - if you forget something important, you could end up seriously regretting it. This article will give you some useful tips for packing for your next trip.

First, always pack the morning of your trip. Never pack the night before. This seems illogical to many people - they don't want to put it off until the last minute. However, this is actually the safest way to avoid forgetting important things. If you pack the night before, you have to leave a number of your important travel items unpacked - alarm clocks, personal items, toiletries - you're going to use all those things in the morning, and you might just leave them at home if you wait. If you must pack the night before, consider alternatives. Make a list of everything you

will need that will be left out - then check them off before you leave. Or, you can simply buy a "travel pack" that will duplicate everything you might need.

Second, spend a few hours thinking about what you will be doing. Lists are your friend - they'll make sure that you have everything you need. If you're a frequent traveler, you only have to do it once - many people have found themselves rushing to the department store to buy a tie or shoes that they forgot to bring on an important business trip. Don't be that guy.
About the Author

Teve Torbes is the developer of a great flea control site, who has taken the time to know lots of things about flea medicine. Torbes gets rave reviews for his wonderful inflatable air mattress site.