Do You Make These Air Travel Mistakes?
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* Packed your...
Travel Guidebooks - The Horror Section
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Travel Guides
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How To Create Your Own Travel Discounts!
Why not take the initiative and find your own ways to cheap
travel by making your own discount? As you know, hotel and
rental car owners don't just offer you discounts at random.
Usually, they offer discounts during off-peak seasons. As a
savvy traveller, do you know that you can take the initiative
and create your own travel discounts easily? Below are some
quick and easy methods for doing so:
- If you're planning to stay for more than a week, call the
hotel that you'd want to stay in and ask for week long stay
discounts, these can range for percentages off your room price
or even a "free day."
- Check detour flights other than the straight one you're bound
to get when you inquire. You can get cheaper overall prices if
you choose to book two flights instead of one. Some people have
been able to save as much as $2000 by doing this.
- Find web-only discounts or coupons which some hotels and
airline owners provide especially for those willing to reserve
online. You can save as much as 50% on your travel costs by
going this way.
- It is always better to buy food at the grocery and cook it
yourself rather than eating everyday at a restaurant. You won't
want to spend all of your pocket money on food.
Restaurants tend
to have cheap and sometimes unhealthy food, ensure your own
health as well as your pockets health by cooking your own, that
is, after all, the reason why there's a stove in your hotel room.
- Travel to places which boast of natural beauty but have lower
costs of living, prices here tend to be lower. Take the
Philippines or Malaysia for example, both have great views and
tourist spots but come without the hassle of overpricing,
English speaking natives are also a plus for these countries.
- Package deals usually save a lot, airfare and lodgings
combined into one are usually cheaper compared to paying for
them separately. Some travel agencies even provide trio packages
which include airfare, hotel and car rental, you can save a lot
if you have the industriousness to canvass.
Now you have no reason not to plan your next trip this
holiday... and you can now do it cheaper for a change!
About the author:
Susan Wong owns 2
Discount Hotels, California
Cheap Hotels Search and 1 Italy Hotel, a chain
of informative websites about hotel-related topics.