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Traveling With A Large Family


When traveling, most would not agree with 'the more, the merrier'. But it can be! Well, it should be. Traveling with the family can be hassle- free and loaded with fun. There is no reason you shouldn't bring the kids and the entire family with you. Here are a few tips you can use for an easy, stress- free travel.

Plan with the entire family Get each family member's opinion on which places to go. Kids love it when they get involved. Make a short list of the places they want to visit and get the majority's preference. Plan simple yet fun activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Distribute tasks Help each other especially when packing. Give each one a responsibility. You can have your kids check on the first- aid kit, your husband to bring all bulky equipments and you take charge preparing the food. This way, your load can be lessened and everyone would feel the importance of each one's contribution.

Travel light Since most of the space of your car would be for people, pack only the essential things you need. If possible you can hire strollers for the kids instead of carrying one. Transfer shampoos, mouthwash and the like in small plastic containers instead of bringing the entire thing. Remember that traveling light doesn't mean traveling incomplete. Carry all important stuff you need to bring.

Secure your house Since all of your family members are with you on the trip, you can opt to hire a house sitter. If not, have a neighbor look out for the house for you. Unplug all electrical appliances and be sure to secure all door and windows.

Be safe Always carry with you a medicine kit for emergencies. This should include aspirins, laxative, insect repellant, bandages, ointments and alcohol. More importantly, bring enough prescription drugs if any of the family members is on medication. Bring enough to last for the entire duration of the trip.

Bring in the fun Take pictures and videos to document your trip. Take turns in using the camera, this way everyone will get a memorable shot taken. You can take the pictures and put them in a nice travel journal when you get home. This way you can enjoy the fun memories as often as you want.

Remember that the entire objective of a family trip is to have fun. Follow the quick tips above and you can head your way to an enjoyable travel.

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Discount Airline Tickets, a website that provides information and resources on vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit his website at: Cheap Hotels