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Traveling in Germany

When deciding to take a vacation to a western country, I recommend Germany. It has various landscapes and very nice small towns and big cities.

This country is, of course, to big to travel all at one time but with a trip of about one month, you could see the most interesting places.

The most frequented port of entry to Germany is the Frankfurt/Main airport. This city is special to the Germans because its skyline can't be found anywhere else in the country. It is given the name of Bankfurt because the skyline is made up of banks.

Frankfurt is the capital of finance and nearby is the small town of Heidelberg which is known in most parts of the world. This is because of the many US soldiers stationed there. This city provides you with fantastic scenery of the Odenwald Mountains. Heidelberg has an old castle and a nice city center along the river Neckar.

On the way to the Black Forest you pass through the Karlsruhe which has a very interesting castle. The castle is interesting because it is French. The Black Forest is a must see. You can ride a train through the northern part of the Black Forest up to the town of Freudenstadt.

After this, the city of Stuttgart is a nice place for a short stay. Embedded in the mountains of the Black Forest and the Suevian Alb, it's one of the nicest places to live in

Germany; providing many companys for employment such as; Daimler-Chrysler and Porsche.

Continuing on this tour you can take an Inter City Express train and two hours later you find yourself in the Bavarian capital of Munich .This big city seems to be the wealthiest in Germany, so look out for your budget.

It's worth going out of your way to see nearby Garmisch-Patenkirchen which was the 1936 Olympic Village. There you will find the Alps and the highest peak in Germany called the Zugspitze.

Hopping on another fast train you can go to the Frankonian capital of Nuremberg. This city is known for its old town with the Kaiser castle and the post WWll Nazi war crime trials.

In eastern Germany you should visit the cities of Leipzig and Dresden with its old Saxonian heritage. A must see, of course, is the capital of Germany Berlin with about 4 million inhabitants. This is the biggest city in Germany and is known for the wall which can still be seen in some parts.

About the author:

SEO Solutions and one way link publicity services provided by LinkAcquire. David C Skul - CEO and Relativity, Inc. can provide global market exposure and solutions.