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Travel To Russia - Baikal Lake

One of the most spectacular and unspoiled places on earth, which attracts tourists worldwide, is lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world. This lake is considered to have the purest and most tasteful water known to man. The water in the lake is so clean and clear that one can easily catch sight of fish some forty meters down (120 feet).

There is a legend, which tourists enjoy, that a boater lost his watch to the lake which can still be seen on the bottom.

There are thousands of lakes on this planet but we are speaking of no ordinary lake, but rather about one of nature's miracles. One of the few unique places left of unspoiled beauty.

Here are some interesting facts about this lake:

1. Baikal's basin is made up of three underwater depressions, which together holds more water than all five of the Great Lakes of North America. It holds one fifth of the earth's supply of fresh water.

2. This Siberian miracle of nature is the deepest lake (1,700 m ) in the world.

3. The lake is so large that all of the rivers on the Earth combined would take an entire year to fill it.

4. At 25-30 million years old, it is the oldest lake in the world.

5. Baikal also hides a mystery.

The lake is home to the world's only fresh water seal. It is still a great mystery how the

nerpa (seal) appeared in the center of the Asian continent, when it's relatives live in the northern arctic regions.

When standing on the top of any of the mountains surrounding Lake Baikal, the view affords you breathtaking scenery, especially the blue mirror of water that stretches as far as the eye can see.

This wondrous lake reflects the azure of the sky and the billowy white of the clouds.The view is so spectacular that one could not even imagine it in one's wildest dreams.

The lake and the entire surrounding area is truly a paradise for tourists and an ideal area for engaging in an array of outdoor pursuits, including hiking, skiing, nature photography, climbing, and whitewater sports.

Baikal is one of the most attractive vacation spots in all of Asia; a place where people can reach out and feel the synergy of Mother Nature as well as enjoy the majestic and unearthly beauty.

It is a place where you can sit back and relax, listening to the soothing music caused by the waves lapping on the shore or swim in the crystal-clear water. Nowhere else will you feel so much at one with the nature.
About the Author

Marina Smiley is the author of the popular eBook "Cheap Ticket To Russia" Tips for budget travelers to Russia.