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Travel Tips Brazil

Important Information Before Going to Brazil

Brazil has a very diverse culture and a wonderful climate. Summer starts in December and ends in February in this South American country. So before going on a trip to Brazil, one has to have enough information on what to bring. Here are a few tips to help in deciding in what to prepare for a trip to this fine country.

* Protect your photo equipment and other equipment sensitive to humidity.

Humidity is high in Brazil. Sealable plastic bags are also useful, so make sure to bring some.

* Bring your medication and prescription.

If you brought some medication, make sure you declare it at the Customs. There are also some drugs that can be bought from the chemist without a prescription.

* Buy mosquito repellent and sun block when you get there.

These are of good quality and are suitable formulated for the conditions of the country.

* Get Hepatitis shots before leaving for Brazil.

Hepatitis A, B and C cases are prevalent in Brazil. Also, always wash your hands before eating. Use appropriate disinfectants and antiseptics.

* Pack light

Most air carriers have a luggage limit of 20 kilos. Having your clothes washable and mix-matched for different look is more advisable than carrying more clothes. When not on a business trip, pack casual clothes as most Brazilians dress casually.

* Keep copies of all your important documents.

You may leave copies of these with a friend back home, or keep copies in a separate

location from the originals. You can also email the copies to yourself.

* Bring a pair of sandals

If the reason for the trip to Brazil is the beaches, then a pair of sandals, together with one's bathing suit and hat is necessary.

* Bring some deodorant and perfume.

One sweats too here and these essentials are very handy.

* Never leave your belongings unattended.

If you can settle for disposable cameras, then, do so.

* Learn some Portuguese.

Knowledge of Portuguese can help when communicating with the locals. English, Spanish, German, French and Italian are also spoken in tourist areas.

* Have valid entry documents.

One's passport should be valid for at least six months from the date of entry. Foreign tourists are given a maximum of 180 days to stay in 1 year. Renewals for 90 days may be obtained from Policia Federal.

* Have some cash handy.

Major credit cards- MasterCard, Visa, Amex and Diners - are accepted, as well as traveler's checks. Cash will be needed if you are going outside the major cities.

With these guidelines, one can look forward to having an enjoyable travel to Brazil.

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Discount Airline Tickets, a website that provides information and resources on vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit his website at: Cheap Hotels