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All You Need to Know About Travel Humidors
When humidors where first created by Zino Davidoff in the early 20th century, they were large cellar humidors which certainly made for restricted travel. One now had the ability to strive for the perfect cigar, but only from home. Most people would...

First Time Travel to Europe
First Time Travel to Europe Your Six-Month Planning Guide So, you've decided that you want to travel to Europe within the next year. Fantastic! Your trip is sure to be an exciting learning experience. This article will discuss the key plans...

Pack List for a Cruise--and other Travel Tips
What you bring on a cruise depends a great deal of the kind of ship it is.........casual or elegant.........and your plans for "fine dining". If you are sailing a ship with all the elegant evenings, this takes special forethought on your part....

Staying healthy while traveling
Your good health is paramount while traveling and taking simple precautions can drastically reduce your chances of falling ill. Health Insurance An insurance package that covers your health, possessions and cancellations is imperative. ...

What you need to know about – Budget travel
Generally people deem traveling to be one amongst the most expensive event in their lives. But this can be proved wrong. A little judicious and cautious planning can save tremendous expenditure without compromising significantly on the fun and joy...

Tips for Summer Travel

The summer is right around the corner, and thousands of Americans are planning vacations and trips. Traveling on a budget can be tricky, but it is not impossible. The key is to plan ahead, and try to the make the most out of what you have. Contact your credit card company beforehand to find out what kind of deals they have to offer. Many have rebate programs for travel expenses. If you are using a rental car, find out if your insurance covers you in case of an accident. You can save quite a bit by forgoing the car rental insurance policy.

The following is a list of tips and tricks to make your summer vacation the best ever.

1.Get a good deal on a hotel. Unless you are staying with friends or family, you will probably be in the market for a good hotel room. Normally, you can spend your entire budget on hotels and motels. I suggest trying a site like You can name your own price, and get some really great deals on rooms and car rentals.

2.Plan your trip out beforehand. Spend some time mapping out your trip, highlighting areas that you plan to visit. There will most likely be a few pit stops along the way. Planning ahead will help ensure that you have enough money to cover all of your activities. Don't forget to factor in souvenirs and


3.Keep the kids entertained! Traveling with young ones can be a challenge. You want to have plenty of activities and toys to keep them occupied. Try looking at for some great coupons for toys and travel gear. Don't forget books and magazines as well. The trip will go faster, and you won't have to field as many "are we there yet?" cries.

4.Don't forget the tunes. Stock up on your families favorite CDs and tapes. Include a few titles for each family member to help keep the peace. Try a discount music store, or look for a coupon on an e-coupon site.

5.Be easy on the gas pedal. If you are driving, you may be concerned about the high gas prices. You can save a significant amount of your gas budget by planning ahead. Make sure that your tires are properly inflated, and that your car is in good working order. Staying at a constant speed will also help you save on your gas bill.
About the Author

Melanie Breeze, avid online shopper and user of CouponChief, is always shopping around for the best deals. You can find free coupons available around the web at CouponChief, all in one location. Always find an online coupon 1st before making ANY purchase!