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Successfull travel is not just cheap plane tickets - Part 2

When traveling abroad proper planning is more important than just looking for cheap plane tickets. An hour spent in planning can save so much time and frustration when you arrive at your destination. Here are some great travel tips to help you on your journey

Learn about the water supply in the country or city you are visiting. Many countries have tap water that is only safe to drink if you boil it first, it is still save for washing in. You may want to take a plastic water bottle from home for your day trips as most western style hotels have there own filter system and you can save money on buying bottled water.

Plan out your colors well. Make sure you pack outfits that match each other. This will save you the trouble caused when you arrive and find out you have packed jeans and dress shirts, or you have ski boots but no gloves.

Pack for the climate of the country you are visiting. Remember that Australia has there winter at the same time the
Americans have there summer. You may also want to check out things like the amount of rain in a certain month so you can pack
accordingly. Canada is a good example, in winter it may be 70 degrees in Vancouver and 35 degrees in Calgary at the same
time of day. Do your research.

Shoes, snow boots, or rubber boots. Make sure you find out how much rain or snow will be around when you visit the country. You can research this easily online. Nothing is worse than wet or cold feet.

Bring your own toiletries and medicines. Be aware that your prescription drugs may not be easily available in the country you are visiting. Also some western products may cost a lot more depending on the country you are visiting. Do not forget
things like cigarettes as these vary by country and they may not have your brand.

Do you really need to take... if you know you will not use it, do not pack it. Carrying heavy suitcases or backpacks is not only hard on the back but slows you down. Pack items you will need quick access to into a good quality backpack.

Carry a backpack. Pack all the items you really need into a backpack, items such as prescription medications, rain coat, gloves, water, camera,

extra money will be easy to reach. A backpack also makes it simple to carry around when you are stuck in long custom lines and want a drink of water.

Use the bathroom before you get off the plane. When leaving the plane and heading into the airport remember that custom lines can be quite long, and if you get stuck, well you know. When taking bus trips down forget to do the same, it may look like a short trip on the map, but it can take a long time to reach depending on traffic or weather conditions.

Do not pack restricted items or carry them. This will slow you down in customs and may result in a fine or worse. Small sharp items like scissors or razors may be fine in your checked luggage but do not carry them in your purse or coat. Many airports restrict lighters so you may wish to leave your expensive lighter at home and carry a disposable one in case you are
asked to leave it at the customs office.

If you have embarrassing items you must pack, you may want to put them into some sort of bag. This helps prevent
embarrassment in case you suitcase should open accidentally, or when customs looks through your suitcase or bag.

Get your shots. Contact your local health center or doctor well ahead of your trip to arrange to get the proper shots for the country or countries you are visiting. Plan ahead and be safe. A simple shot could save your life or at least prepare your body for all those nasty little bugs.

If you pack strange things in your suitcase put them on top so that airport workers or customs have easy access to checking them. I had a friend with a dense metal and wood sculpture at the bottom of a 50 pound bag filled with other items, this added about 20 minutes to his wait to leave the airport. When in doubt just ask or phone the airport ahead of time.

Enjoy your travel, but remember that planning ahead is more important than finding cheap plane tickets.

About the Author

The author has spent years traveling through Asia and the South Pacific Rim.

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