(c) Theolonius McTavish 2004. All rights reserved. Seeking a spot of serenity somewhere in the universe, I recently booked a deep-discount dodgy berth on the ‘White Elephant Express Space Shuttle’, to a little known place in a galaxy far, far...
Create your own Rome discount travel deal
Rome Hotel and rental car owners don't just offer you discounts
at random, you have to ask for it work for it, and sometimes,
these discounts aren't even worth it, well unless you're looking
to traveling during off peak season where there is at...
Must Read Tips For Shopping & Booking Your Travels Online
Booking & shopping online has proven to revolutionize the travel industry. There are many pros to utilizing online booking sites to plan your trip. Bottom line is, it saves you time and money, both important factors when planning your trip. Before...
Travel Wallet Checklist
A travel wallet can be pretty handy when you´re on the move, especially on international trips. It keeps all your travel documents and currency in one place for easy access. Following is a checklist of items you may want to keep in your travel...
Useful Tips For Women Traveling Alone
There has been an increase in the number of Americans traveling abroad - especially women traveling alone either for business or pleasure. Each country and culture has their own views of what is appropriate behavior for women. Although you may...
Planning your Trip using Travel Tips
No matter where you're traveling or whether you're traveling by
car, plane, or train, you'll want to make sure that you arrive
there with everything that you need. You'll also want to save as
much money as you can in getting there. If you're flying there
are several ways that you can save money on your flights. A
charter flight is often your best bet for getting to your
destination cheaply. The reason that charter flights let you
travel for less than other flights is that you fly on the days
that they have flights scheduled. The only drawback is that many
charter companies will cancel any of the flights that aren't
filled enough. This means that you can find yourself without a
flight at the last minute. If you're going to be booking your
flight with a charter company, make sure that you find out what
happens if the flight you have booked needs to be rescheduled.
When you're planning your trip with some time to spare before
you book your flight you should do a little comparison shopping
on the Internet. By looking around at the prices offered by
airline companies you may be able to get a deal for
your flights that you can't find anywhere else. Many airline
discounters can put you on a watch list so that you'll be
notified when there is a low price available for a flight to
your destination.
Courier flights are another way that you might consider flying.
These freight flights travel regularly and are generally always
on time. The only drawback is that you'll only be able to take
one piece of carry-on luggage. If you're planning on traveling
for awhile you may want to consider a regular flight, but if you
don't mind traveling with a small amount of luggage this might
be a good alternative choice. Traveling by plane doesn't always
mean that you have to pay a high price. By following these tips
and looking around you can find yourself on a plane for a very
low cost.
About the author:
James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and
researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of
interest. Read more at www.tourism-center.com