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Planning your Trip using Travel Tips
No matter where you're traveling or whether you're traveling by car, plane, or train, you'll want to make sure that you arrive there with everything that you need. You'll also want to save as much money as you can in getting there. If you're...

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Luggage Tips For Air Travel

The Guide to Lightening the Travel Load

Traveling with light luggage has been a common rule known to many travelers. It is a very common, and simple, guide yet it still remains as the most violated one. Didn't they say that the simplest rules are the ones hardest to follow?

Surely, one has to pack everything that is needed for the trip. Never leave anything that is definitely going to be used during the trip. For over-anticipating possibilities during a trip, the luggage may end as a heavy burden for a short trip.

Here are guidelines to determine what to bring for those trips:

1. Consider the number of days for the trip.

If the trip will be within one to three days, all the things that a traveler may need could fit in hand-carried luggage. Decide on the number of clothes needed and add another set, in case of accidents. More than that would just weigh down the baggage unnecessarily. If, upon arriving, you determine that the trip must be extended, you can always shop for clothes or have the used ones washed and just mix-match these for a different ensemble.

2. Determine the nature of the trip. What type of events will one attend during the trip?

This will help in deciding what type of clothes to bring. If one barely have time to run or exercise in the morning, then, it will be

unnecessary to bring running shoes. If there is barely time for social gatherings, then leave the formal evening outfits at home.

If unsure of the schedule during the trip, then choose clothes that may be worn for casual and formal meetings and even formal dinner parties.

3. When packing, roll the clothes carefully to maximize the space of the suitcase. Place the heavier garments on the lower part of the suitcase to balance its weight. The smaller garments, such as the socks, should be placed to fill the spaces between the larger clothes.

4. If during the trip, you accumulated souvenirs, it is cheaper to have those shipped home instead of bringing them together with the luggage. If these are fragile, make sure that these are insured. Another option is to have some clothes shipped home instead, and pack the souvenirs with the luggage or in the hand-carried bag.

These tips will definitely ease one's worries when preparing for the next trip.

About the author:

Jay is the web owner of Discount Airline Tickets, a website that provides information and resources on vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit his website at: Cheap Hotels