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Budget Travel Tips 101
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Travel During Hurricane Season: Considering the Odds
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Travel Insurance! Your Health And Peace-Of-Mind Is Worth Protecting, And We Mean It
As a past travel professional, I heard many, and I stress many horror stories about travellers that didn't take travel insurance to protect their well-being and vacation investment! Nothing was worse than getting that phone call from our...

Traveling With A Large Family
TIPS ON TRAVELING WITH THE FAMILY When traveling, most would not agree with 'the more, the merrier'. But it can be! Well, it should be. Traveling with the family can be hassle- free and loaded with fun. There is no reason you shouldn't...

First Time Travel to Europe – Your Six Month Planning Guide

So, you’ve decided that you want to travel to Europe within the next year. Fantastic! Your trip is sure to be an exciting learning experience. This article will discuss the key plans you’ll need to make before traveling to Europe, starting from six months outwards.

Traveling to Europe - Six Months Before You Go

It goes without saying that at this stage of the game that you’ll need to pick where you plan on traveling within Europe. Pick up travel brochures, talk to a travel agent specializing in European destinations, speak with friends, and read magazines on the subject.

If the European destination you’ve chosen to travel to speaks another language that you aren’t familiar with, why not start learning the basics of the language? Grab a book, take a course, or ask a friend familiar with the language and customs to help you out.

Also, you should think about picking up a European travel guide, such as Fodor’s or the Lonely Planet. Highlight the areas and attractions you’d like to visit.

Traveling to Europe - 3-4 Months Before You Go

Your European travel destination is getting closer. Are you excited yet? Now is the time to start with the practical planning aspects of your trip. Get a passport now, if you don’t have one already. Shop around for airline tickets, and places to stay. If the locale you’ve chosen has a different climate than what you are used to, look for clothing to take along with you – and don’t forget a good pair of walking shoes!

Are there any special festivals, activities or events that will occur while you are traveling to Europe? If so, you’ll need to book now. The larger the event, the more

time in advance you’ll want to make reservations.

Traveling to Europe – 6 Weeks Before You Go

Departure day is inching closer, and there is still a lot to accomplish. If you haven’t already booked a hotel for your stay, do so now. Have you figured out how you plan on getting around yet in your country of choice? Car rentals, rail passes, and bus trips all require advance planning, so research these options, and make your reservations around this time, too. Finally, don’t forget your travelers insurance, and health check up. If you’ll require immunizations or medications to take with you while traveling to Europe, having this all on hand well before your flight is critical.

Traveling to Europe – Four Weeks Before You Go

It’s crunch time, are you ready to travel to Europe? You are if you have luggage that will make the trip, cameras with adequate film, the right currency in your pocket, gear to keep your valuables safe, an electrical converter (if required, think about your shaver and curling iron), maps of the area you are visiting, and have contacted your local Embassy to check of any current dangers in the area.

Traveling to Europe – Last Minute Plans

Europe, here you come! Anything that hasn’t been done now, probably just won’t get done. Just make sure that you have photocopies of your passport and credit cards available at all times. Now, go have fun traveling to Europe!

About the Author

Jean Sutherland is the owner of the informative website & She has worked in the travel industry for over 10 years and lived in Mexico for 3 years.