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A Travelers Guide To Currency Exchange

Exchanging currency is something frequent travelers must become familiar with. There are many different currencies around the world. Finding out how to exchange currency and where to do it can help travelers get the most out of their money.

The following outlines the major places that will exchange money for travelers. Also indicated are any problems or concerns about exchanging currency using the methods.

1. Airports. Airports will exchange currency for travelers at desks they have set up for this purpose. They usually offer exchange rates that are the worst available. They charge high fees which can sometimes be as high as 20% of the exchange amount. This type of exchange is most convenient for the time pressured traveler. It is conveniently located at the airport and it is easy to do a transaction.

2. Banks. Local banks are happy to exchange currency. They often offer the best rates and do not charge fees that are too high. Banks tend to use exchange rates based on the actual traded values. Banks, however, are limited in hours of operation and may be unable to exchange certain currency or large


3. Credit and Debit cards. This is the quickest and easiest way to exchange currency. Most major credit cards work world wide without hassle. The exchange rates are competitive which keeps them low. Travelers should alert their credit card company that they are using it outside of their home country so it does not get deactivated as security precaution.

4. ATM machines. They are easy to use, but also pose a risk of high fees associated with their use. Travelers wishing to use ATM's outside of their home country should discuss fees first with their bank.

Travelers may find many different places to exchange currency. The four listed here are the most commonly used options. Each has an up and down side and the one a traveler chooses depends on their own needs and concerns.

About the author:

Stephen Kreutzer is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides resources on currency exchange at CyberTopics!